Saturated induction machine modelling based on high frequency signal injection

شبیه سازی کامل مقاله زیر در محیط نرم افزار متلب + فایل ورد 11 صفحه ای فارسی ( گزارش )
Saturated induction machine modelling based on high frequency signal injection
سال 2012
International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality
Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 28th to 30th March, 2012
چکیده مقاله :
- Abstract The classical induction motor model is not able to analyze the interaction between the low frequency main field and the field generated by high frequency signal injection. To remedy this problem we introduce in this paper a new saturated induction motor model adopts to describe the phenomena produced by adding high frequency signal .This model contains saturation which is considered as the difference between unsaturated and saturated magnetizing flux. The machine is modelling with two different rotor circuits because due to the saturation the air gap flux contains the fundamental and the third harmonic. In order to describe the effects produced by injection of high frequency signal, a rotating voltage signal is added to normal supply of saturated induction motor. The simulation tests are used to verify the validity and accuracy of proposed model.
- Keyword- Induction Machine, Modelling, Third Harmonic, Signal Injection
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- 11 صفحه در قالب ورد
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